Tuesday 18 March 2014

My Planimation

For my report the layout will look like this

The script will be just notes as I want to make the report feel more natural, so I'm improvising it.


-How tiers are done
-Explain this is all in my opinion

-Explain OU in more depth
-Move on to first Pokemon


-Move pool:
-Shadow Sneak priority
-King's Shield
-Sacred Sword
-Iron Head
-(practically everything you want in a slow, steel and ghost type)

-Stance Change:
-Change in stats
-Slowness helps being in shield mode
-Need King's shield to get back into shield mode

-Attack is great when in sword mode
-Has equal attacks so it can be adaptable
-Defence high when in shield
-Slow speed allows to stay in shield mode to take attacks


-Move pool:
-Large move pool as it is a dragon
-Special attacks and physical attacks
-Has grass, water, dragon, fire, electric, poison and so on types of attacks
-Variety of status moves, acid armour to boost physical weakness

-Sap sipper:
-Very situational but sometimes useful for switch ins
-Lowers speed with physical attacks
-Useful as Goodra's physical defences is much lower
-Rain Dance or Drizzle required
-Useful when combined with rest
-Useful against toxic spikes and all status problems

-Attack and special attack almost equal
-Great special defence
-Ok physical defence
-Average speed

-Explain UU in more depth
-Move on to next Pokemon


Move pool:
-High power STAB moves like night slash and psycho cut
-Access to high power moves like super power
-Unpredictable moves like topsy-turvey that reverse stat changes

-Reverses stat changes made on the Pokemon
-Useful when mixed with super power
-Great counter for King's Shield
-Suction Cups:
-Stops the opponent from switching
-Useful when an opponent has used stat changing moves, then topsy-turvey, as they cannot switch back out
-Gets past substitute
-Negates Karbink's Reflect and Light Screen

-Nothing special
-Everything average

-Explain RU in more depth
-Move on to next Pokemon


Move pool:
-Mainly fighting and normal type moves
-Has unique Parting Shot, but enemies can just switch out
-High power moves

-Iron Fist:
-Pangoro only learns some punching moves, it does not learn any elemental punches, or a priority punch
-Mold Breaker:
-Can affect enemies that have levitate with earthquake
-Negate mummy
-Useful against ghosts as most moves are normal or fighting, but has STAB dark moves anyway

-Average defences and health
-Low speed
-Great attack, if they can land a hit, it's a high chance of OHKO

-Explain NU in more depth
-Move on to next Pokemon


Move pool:
-Most of Avalugg's attacks are ice or normal
-Can use earthquake though
-Can learn recover

-Own Tempo:
-Not the most useful ability but could be useful against Sabelyes and Volbeats with confuse ray
-Very situational
-Ice Body:
-Along with Leftovers or Icy rock can be really powerful
-Requires hail or someone else with hail in the party
-The hail that heals you, hurts enemies
-Can be useful for bringing Avalugg in if you miss-predict and they use a special attack
-Can Survive a sweeper and hit back hard

-Very large attack and defense, good physical wall
-Average health
-Low special attack, special defense and speed make it completely useless if they have one special attack

-Remind people that these are my thoughts as these are my views on these Pokemon
-Conclude with thanks for watching and bye