Sunday 25 May 2014

Audience Theories

Hypodermic Needle Model:

The Hypodermic Needle Model is when an idea is injected into the audiences heads, hence the needle. This idea was created by]around the 1940s, since being created the theory has been disproved along time ago as the theory was based on assumptions of the human nature at the time. The theory was that people were "uniformly controlled by their biologically based 'instincts' and that they react more or less uniformly to whatever 'stimuli' came along" (Lowery & De Fleur, 1995, p. 400). This theory is still used today even though it was proven wrong, an example is blaming games for murders happening in the real world an example of this is the Sandy Hook shooting in america, the media tried to blame it on the game counterstrike as he played it, some people believed this  but not everyone. As the theory suggests that everyone is "uniformly controlled" it is dis proven as not everyone believed what the media said. The Hypodermic needle model was one of the first models to be created, thus it started the development for more models, even though proven wrong this makes the model one of the bases for other models.

Uses and gratifications theory:

The uses and gratifications theory focuses more on what people do with the media, rather than what does the media do to other people. The theory focuses mainly on the fact that people use the media to satisfy their own needs like enhancing knowledge, using it for escape or relaxation etc. This theory states "the audience members are not passive consumers of media. Rather, the audience has power over their media consumption and and assumes an active role in interpreting and integrating media into their own lives". This theory was created by Herta Herzog in 1944 which is know as stage 1. This theory covers a large bases of the media, the news and how having it animated made people gather more information about it, how it entertained them and how it was more relaxing than normal news, mobile phones and how they are used by different people to appeal for different things like entertainment, mobility, fashion/status etc. But this theory also touches on social media and how we use it for "social and affection, need to vent negative feeling, recognition, entertainment and cognitive needs". The pros to this theory are it apply to multiple aspects of people reacting and using the media, unlike most theories about how the media controls people and some people are spoon feed information, this theory takes a completely different, and refreshing, angle. This theory also covers a large amount of things in the media and how people use them, not just the general idea f the media. However it's cons are the fact that not everybody uses the media for their own gain, some people still follow the hypodermic needle theory as I have previously stated making it incomplete as people still follow a theory that has been proven wrong. A major example of this theory is Facebook, a lot of people use Facebook for their own gains be it socializing, entertainment, self-seeking or information, a quote is "basic research finds that socialization motivates use of friend-networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook. Particulars under socialization might be finding old friends, making new friends, learning about events, creating social functions, and feeling connected."

Reception study:

The reception study is a theory that talks about how do not just accept a piece of media but they see it in their own views, like agreeing to it, disagreeing or compromising to it. A quote that explains this is " This means that a "text"—be it a book, movie, or other creative work—is not simply passively accepted by the audience, but that the reader / viewer interprets the meanings of the text based on their individual cultural background and life experiences. In essence, the meaning of a text is not inherent within the text itself, but is created within the relationship between the text and the reader." This theory originated in the late 1960's by Hans-Robert Jauss. The main parts of this theory are a negotiated viewpoint, an opposed viewpoint and a preferred viewpoint, a negotiated viewpoint is when the audience view a piece of media and interpret it in their own way, for example when someone sees an advert for the best thing ever they decide that it is not the best thing ever but it is still good, they have a negotiated view. An opposed view point is when the audience does not agree with the media that has been shown to them, for example if and someone is show an advert that makes someone's skin look 20 years younger and they do not believe it, this is an opposed viewpoint as they are against what the advert is saying. The final main viewpoint is a preferred, in this viewpoint the audience fully agrees with what the media is saying, an example of this is a  when an advert says it is a new and incredible technology they completely believe it, even if what they are saying isn't necessarily true. A pro to this would be it give a range of views that vary from different audience opinions, this allows the theory to be very wide with which people it effects. However the theory is not fully developed in one aspect as it tries to cover all aspects individually.

Active and passive consumption:

The active consumption theory is when a person tries to soak in as much information about a piece of media as they can. Active consumers pay attention to that piece of the media and listens closely to what they say, then they break it down and analyse different aspects of it. This theory also shows how an audience interacts with the media and questions it every so often. The pro to this is the fact that person knows a lot about that part of the media as they have analysed the part intensely, a con however is that there knowledge of the media is unbalanced as they know a lot about one part but that is around it. An example of this is a media student as they have to analyse parts of the media to get a good grade.
The passive consumption theory is more or less the opposite, these people just don't question the media they look at, they just accept it. Therefore the media that this group looks at has to be realistic as they need to be able to accept it.A pro to this part of the theory is that it shows a different aspect to people than the previous part, so it covers more ground as a whole, a con however is that the theory does not go into as much detail when compared to it's previous part. An example of this theory is when someone watches a film, the audience need to just accept the story and what is happening in the film, if the film is unrealistic the audience will try to question it, converting them from passive to active.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Responses with case studies


A negotiated view is when an audience react to something and they agree with some parts or most parts but they change it more to suit them. All adverts fall into this category for one person or another as people want adverts to suit them and not just be buy buy buy. Any advert could be used as an example for this as someone will have a negotiated perspective to it.


A preferred view is when the audience completely agrees with something and what that something is trying to put across. This view is useful when promoting food and skin care products as they want the buyer to love the product, think it's exactly what they need and so on. Some adverts even try and in-plant this into the mind sneakily by repeating the word yes when the actor/ actress is using the product


An oppositional view is when an audience reacts to something and they are completely opposed to it, an example to this is the documentary "Super Size Me" which looks at the un-healthiness of McDonald's food and is opposed to what they say about their meals.


In a participatory response the audience alter and modify the advert to suit them and are involved in the creating process of the advert, a good example of this is test groups when a new product is coming out, Dove usually does this so they can promote their product, depending on what the test group say, the advert changes (well, it's supposed to)

Cultural competence-

Cultural competence is when an audience reacts to something whilst regarding a certain culture, be it someone else's or their own. An example of this is seen in 2007 when Capcom released a trailer for resident evil 5, this made a lot of the general public react to it in a bad way as the main characters are shooting black zombies. The creators, Capcom, did not even know the video would be seen as racist as they did not see it as a bad thing as racism never came into the equation. As the game is set in Africa the zombies would most likely be black and so on.

Fan culture-

Fan culture is when groups of people make a culture to do with a certain fandom or groups of fandom the most popular ones in this day and age are cosplay where people dress as their favorite characters or fan-fiction where people create stories based on character with-in a certain book or game and so on or use characters of their own creation and put them into the same world as current characters and have them meet with the original characters or go on journeys of their own and so on.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

My Planimation

For my report the layout will look like this

The script will be just notes as I want to make the report feel more natural, so I'm improvising it.


-How tiers are done
-Explain this is all in my opinion

-Explain OU in more depth
-Move on to first Pokemon


-Move pool:
-Shadow Sneak priority
-King's Shield
-Sacred Sword
-Iron Head
-(practically everything you want in a slow, steel and ghost type)

-Stance Change:
-Change in stats
-Slowness helps being in shield mode
-Need King's shield to get back into shield mode

-Attack is great when in sword mode
-Has equal attacks so it can be adaptable
-Defence high when in shield
-Slow speed allows to stay in shield mode to take attacks


-Move pool:
-Large move pool as it is a dragon
-Special attacks and physical attacks
-Has grass, water, dragon, fire, electric, poison and so on types of attacks
-Variety of status moves, acid armour to boost physical weakness

-Sap sipper:
-Very situational but sometimes useful for switch ins
-Lowers speed with physical attacks
-Useful as Goodra's physical defences is much lower
-Rain Dance or Drizzle required
-Useful when combined with rest
-Useful against toxic spikes and all status problems

-Attack and special attack almost equal
-Great special defence
-Ok physical defence
-Average speed

-Explain UU in more depth
-Move on to next Pokemon


Move pool:
-High power STAB moves like night slash and psycho cut
-Access to high power moves like super power
-Unpredictable moves like topsy-turvey that reverse stat changes

-Reverses stat changes made on the Pokemon
-Useful when mixed with super power
-Great counter for King's Shield
-Suction Cups:
-Stops the opponent from switching
-Useful when an opponent has used stat changing moves, then topsy-turvey, as they cannot switch back out
-Gets past substitute
-Negates Karbink's Reflect and Light Screen

-Nothing special
-Everything average

-Explain RU in more depth
-Move on to next Pokemon


Move pool:
-Mainly fighting and normal type moves
-Has unique Parting Shot, but enemies can just switch out
-High power moves

-Iron Fist:
-Pangoro only learns some punching moves, it does not learn any elemental punches, or a priority punch
-Mold Breaker:
-Can affect enemies that have levitate with earthquake
-Negate mummy
-Useful against ghosts as most moves are normal or fighting, but has STAB dark moves anyway

-Average defences and health
-Low speed
-Great attack, if they can land a hit, it's a high chance of OHKO

-Explain NU in more depth
-Move on to next Pokemon


Move pool:
-Most of Avalugg's attacks are ice or normal
-Can use earthquake though
-Can learn recover

-Own Tempo:
-Not the most useful ability but could be useful against Sabelyes and Volbeats with confuse ray
-Very situational
-Ice Body:
-Along with Leftovers or Icy rock can be really powerful
-Requires hail or someone else with hail in the party
-The hail that heals you, hurts enemies
-Can be useful for bringing Avalugg in if you miss-predict and they use a special attack
-Can Survive a sweeper and hit back hard

-Very large attack and defense, good physical wall
-Average health
-Low special attack, special defense and speed make it completely useless if they have one special attack

-Remind people that these are my thoughts as these are my views on these Pokemon
-Conclude with thanks for watching and bye