Tuesday 13 May 2014

Responses with case studies


A negotiated view is when an audience react to something and they agree with some parts or most parts but they change it more to suit them. All adverts fall into this category for one person or another as people want adverts to suit them and not just be buy buy buy. Any advert could be used as an example for this as someone will have a negotiated perspective to it.


A preferred view is when the audience completely agrees with something and what that something is trying to put across. This view is useful when promoting food and skin care products as they want the buyer to love the product, think it's exactly what they need and so on. Some adverts even try and in-plant this into the mind sneakily by repeating the word yes when the actor/ actress is using the product


An oppositional view is when an audience reacts to something and they are completely opposed to it, an example to this is the documentary "Super Size Me" which looks at the un-healthiness of McDonald's food and is opposed to what they say about their meals.


In a participatory response the audience alter and modify the advert to suit them and are involved in the creating process of the advert, a good example of this is test groups when a new product is coming out, Dove usually does this so they can promote their product, depending on what the test group say, the advert changes (well, it's supposed to)

Cultural competence-

Cultural competence is when an audience reacts to something whilst regarding a certain culture, be it someone else's or their own. An example of this is seen in 2007 when Capcom released a trailer for resident evil 5, this made a lot of the general public react to it in a bad way as the main characters are shooting black zombies. The creators, Capcom, did not even know the video would be seen as racist as they did not see it as a bad thing as racism never came into the equation. As the game is set in Africa the zombies would most likely be black and so on.


Fan culture-

Fan culture is when groups of people make a culture to do with a certain fandom or groups of fandom the most popular ones in this day and age are cosplay where people dress as their favorite characters or fan-fiction where people create stories based on character with-in a certain book or game and so on or use characters of their own creation and put them into the same world as current characters and have them meet with the original characters or go on journeys of their own and so on.

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