Tuesday 29 October 2013

Zero punctuation

Zero punctuation is created mainly for group E in the demographics chart, which are students and unemployed people. This is because of the sarcastic Ben (who is the voice of zero punctuation) presents the game; he uses this to make the review funny and entertaining. This shows that it is created for these demographics as the creators are trying to relate to the audience and trying to entertain the audience by being sarcastic and they pull it off very well.

The mainstream, the aspirer and the struggler view zero punctuation. This is due to the style of the animation and the sarcastic way he projects his views. It is also related to the demographics as students and unemployed people are mainstream because they like to stay current. They are aspirers as they want to become something, students are going though education to become something and unemployed people want to achieve things by getting jobs and they are strugglers because they are struggling to get things done.

The average audience member is 17-19 years old, male, heterosexual, America and England and Australia is the regional identity

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